Sex Offender Registration Act
Under SORA, individuals are classified under three levels, based on the perceived risk of re-offending. Level 3 indicates a high level, Level 2 indicates a moderate level of re-offense, and Level 1 is a low level. Level 3 and Level 2 offenders are placed on the New York Sex Offender Registry. If you are listed on the Sex Offender Registry, your address and personal information will be placed online to be viewed by the public.
Clearly, any sex conviction will limit your life in countless ways. If you have been accused of a sex crime, or if you have been charged with violating any aspect of the Sex Offender Registration Act, it is imperative that you enlist the services of an experienced lawyer.
Defending Individuals Accused of All Types of Sexual Offenses
Both Jay Goldberg and Gerald Allen have more than a quarter century of experience in this field. Both are former First Deputy Bureau Chiefs in the Kings County District Attorney’s Office and fully understand the tactics that prosecutors use to build cases. We can anticipate these tactics and act accordingly. We will examine all legal and factual defenses against these allegations. We will explore the scientific evidence, including any DNA evidence. We will examine the credibility of the witnesses. We will look closely to determine whether the police followed appropriate procedures. All of our efforts will be geared toward achieving the best possible outcome in your case.
Call Goldberg & Allen Today — 212-766-3366
Contact our New York City law firm to discuss your criminal allegations. We will provide a candid assessment of your situation.